Eden Electronics


The Bass Place is your source for Eden bass guitar amplifiers and speaker cabinets. For years, we’ve offered the whole range of Eden products from basic combo amps to the highest quality heads and cabs.

Plug in

Start out with the Eden “Bassics” line of combo amplifiers and preamp stomp boxes. In this range, affordability meets the legendary Eden tone.

Play Low

Great for smaller venues, studio spaces, or anywhere that portability is a must, try Eden’s mid-range amps with high-end sound and features.

Play Live

If you’re looking for the best of the best, The Bass Place is where to get it. Eden’s professional amplifier line doesn’t hold back, and we carry everything you’re looking for in this space.

Eden…Never Compromise…Feel free to ask any questions about carrying the best name in BASS…

Eden is the right choice for you, because it allows you as a musician to make the choices you need! That may sound convoluted but the popularity of Eden loudspeaker enclosures and amplifiers are unique in the Bass amplification market is due to a number of reasons. Eden is able to blend together in our products a unique combination of disciplines and talents from mechanical engineering, applied physics, musical knowledge, nuances, and fine craftsmanship to produce an extremely musical product.

About Eden Speakers


There is a great deal of sonic magic in Eden speakers and enclosures as well as some of the most solid engineering in the industry. Because we design our loudspeakers and high frequency devices, we can have Eminence make exactly what we need for any given design. This approach means that the individual loudspeakers and enclosures work extremely well with each other, such that the synergy of the overall design is greater than the sum of the parts. Using the world’s best speaker manufacturer to build the loudspeakers is really the icing on the cake, providing peace of mind when it comes to top quality and performance for every speaker.

Designing our own drivers gives us tremendous flexibility in both development and manufacturing. More importantly, we have total control of the product quality and have greater control over the repair and service considerations. Eden products are designed to be robust and last through the rigors of use, even in demanding live performance environments night after night on tour.

By using much tighter than normal industry standards, we are able to get higher performance and better sound quality out of our loudspeakers and high frequency drivers.

One of the amazing things about great sound quality and tone that good musicians understand inherently – but never really think about on a formal level – is the odd and interesting nuances that make up the unique sound characteristics of their favorite products. This applies to all Musical Equipment: Mics., Bass Guitars, Speakers, Strings, etc


Many years ago, Eden’s founder investigated these formal levels of sound and other psycho-acoustic phenomena with a number of controlled listening tests. Using a wide variety of people — from expert musicians to people that had no knowledge of music, experiments were undertaken to find out exactly what people liked to hear. For one test two identical speaker systems were built and tweaked, one to be perfectly flat and neutral, with a minimum of dips and peaks. It was a bit louder than the other cabinet (+1 to 2 dB) because of that. The other cabinet was set up like our standard cabinets and voiced it to sound good to our ears. The flat cabinet clearly had superior specifications to the second ear-voiced box. After running the listening tests, much to the initial surprise of the team, every one liked the uneven, slightly rougher version because it sounded more interesting.


This is one of those strange psycho-acoustic, human factors that make this business so interesting and challenging. All wisdom says that everyone should have liked the flatter speaker, which was, after all, louder. In general listening tests people normally select the loudest speaker as the best sounding.

These controlled tests provided an important lesson: it’s not what’s right about the sound that people like, it’s what’s not perfect; it’s the oddities and the unique colorations, together with the little sonic “mistakes”, that give great products their unique and special sound. You need to have the right sonic nuances, or mistakes, if you will.

Once you’ve discovered and created those nuances, you must be able to recreate them in production, time after time, year after year. It is this kind of consistency that is at the very heart of a world-class product like the Eden speakers we make in Kentucky USA today.

Building great loudspeaker systems is much more than just building great drivers, however. You also must have correctly matched high performance enclosures for them to go into. For good quality bass response, you need to do several things with the enclosures.

Eden uses only AA void free
solid core plywood.

Using regular grade plywood means it is possible that the material has spacing in the layers of wood used to make the ply. This not only affects the acoustic properties of the wood but it means that the cabinet could be prone to deterioration over time.

First of all, you have to use very good materials. When using Plywood AA void-free solid-core material is a must. The more common standard C & D cores allow for voids and patches inside the panel and, over time, these can come loose and rattle or just plain delaminate and fall apart. Remembering that Bass speakers tend to shake the room, it is easy to imagine the pressures and vibrations that a cabinet goes through every time it is used and obvious why using high grade materials is essential!

Second, you must also build the enclosure very well. We incorporate precision Dado and Rabbet (Tenon) interlocking joints, special glues and a tremendous amount of bracing to insure that our enclosures are rigid at all of the frequencies of interest. In fact the amount bracing and joints used in the cabinets means that Eden cabinets are super strong and vibration free, which is important to ensure long life and eliminate any unwanted rattles that inferior cabinets are prone to develop overtime.

All of these things need to be factored before you even consider the design type and execution of the enclosure design which must also be very precise. Eden D-Series enclosures are computer designed and carefully hand tuned for maximum transient response and the best overall output and performance.

For more information on specific cabinets and speaker drivers, take a look at our products pages on this website or download our catalogue here.

About Our Amplifiers


Overall, the design philosophy of Eden is to treat the engineering and design of our bass guitar amplifiers very much like they are musical instruments. The amplifiers are voiced for certain effects and designed to work in a specific fashion with certain character choices that make them both transparent enough that the natural sound of the bass comes through accurately and clearly, and yet still provides some warmth, in addition to having great tonality that enhances the overall sound quality of the entire system.

Eden approach the amplifier design from a solid P.A. power amp perspective. By choosing characteristics that give superior performance and great musicality and designing the amplifiers with proper head room, we get a product with much better performance than what you can achieve from a guitar amplifier perspective.

For example: if you design a good guitar amplifier, there are certain things you want — good tone, solid sustain, good overdrive and saturation characteristics, careful power supply limitations for tone character as well as a good general tone envelope. In bass amplifier design you benefit from using a different direction in design. Bass needs lots of headroom, virtually no distortion in the amp, very high instantaneous output current ability, tight control of the speaker by the amplifier, much higher overall power levels, controlled system limiting, as well as very good tone body. In addition, by including redundant safety protection into the amplifier design Eden Amplifiers can take care of themselves in even the most abusive situations.

WT550 Back Panel

Many Eden amplifiers use a hybrid design style. Typically these amplifiers use a vacuum tube (7025) for the front end followed by solid state signal processing and power outputs. In this configuration, it is possible to achieve great warmth, natural tone and compression characteristics in the tube preamplifier to define the overall tone characteristics of the amplifier yet still deliver the high power, final amplification with highly reliable solid state devices.

Our original, 5-band semiparametric EQ system is the industry standard for maximum tonal control. In addition to Bass and Treble controls, it features three bands of semi-parametric tone shaping. With these three control sets, the user can easily boost or cut any frequency to get their unique tone.

Our unique Enhance control (often called the Magic Knob) allows many users to quickly dial in their basic tone – without ever needing to touch the other EQ controls! This leaves the rest of the EQ available to create special sounds, or to compensate for room characteristics.

The funny thing (interesting funny, not funny funny) is that many of our long-term users tell us that we’ve designed the best tone control system in the industry, but designed the rest of the amplifier so as to make the EQ almost unnecessary. All they do to get their tone is to set the Input Gain and dial in a little Enhance. And, Bingo! Instant great tone. That will come as a relief to any of you who have repeatedly twiddled knobs but never gotten anything but passable tone out of other systems.

On some of our newer heads, we went in a new direction. We replaced the tube with a solid state chip and simplified the EQ section. This is definitely NOT a step backwards. Rather, it is a step forward in that we now offer two distinct types of amplifier. Even though many of our long-term users, along with our team of designers, still prefer the use of a tube in the front end, there are users out there who prefer a solid state front end. Still others couldn’t care less as long as the amp sounds great. There are also users who prefer a simpler tone control section. One long-term user even told us he would glue the tone knobs down if he could get away with it!

For those reasons, we developed a new design for our Time Traveler heads (WT330, WT390 and WT405). This design features the Golden Ear chip, a very high-end solid state chip originally designed for top-of-the-line recording consoles, such as the Neve and Harris units. It brings to our TT heads warmth that is unmatched by the chips used by most other manufacturers. While the cost is far greater than other chips, we feel the resulting tone is more than worth it. A second bonus to the Golden Ear chip is the Warmth circuit, which adds some tube-style grit to your sound. This feature is set by the user so they can tailor the Time Traveler heads to get their ultimate tone.

The EQ section of the Time Travler heads is a simplified 3-band system. The Mid control can be set at 550Hz (add a little here for great fretless tone) or 2.2KHz, which is very useful for getting an edgy rock tone (add a little) or to get a smooth, old-school R&B tone (cut a little). The Enhance control has been recalibrated to provide greater fine-tuning in the usable range.

By the way, our new WT1205 design is a combination of our two main designs. It features a tube front end on both channels but has a simplified EQ section. On Channel One, we use a 4-band system – Bass, Low Mid (550Hz), High Mid (2.2KHz) and Treble. Channel Two features a 3-band system, but the Mids are sweepable through a broad frequency spectrum. This allows the user to quickly and easily cut a frequency that is causing resonant feedback, such as that created by some Electric/Acoustic basses or Upright basses.

Our new “X series” line of ultralight amps is based on the Time Traveler design, including the Golden Ear chip. Now it’s possible to have gobs of Eden tone in a package small enough to fit in the pocket of your gig bag.

Below is a table showing many of the features (and benefits) built into our World Tour amplifiers:

One piece .090 aluminum chassis & one-piece steel cover Protects the amp in case of accident or abuse
Modular, military-style construction High reliability and simple servicing
Built to Aircraft Vibration Standards Ensures maximum reliability
Ergonomic control layout Can adjust one knob without moving adjacent controls
World-class Hybrid design Great tone
Tube or special IC technology preamp Provides natural warmth
Near-bullet-proof, high-power, bi-polar solid state power amps Provide clean, clear amplification, high reliability, lower weight and lower profile
True International power supply designs with standard international IEC connections Users can buy cable locally
True International Voltage Easily changed to accommodate all voltages
Toroid power transformers High power-to-weight ratios and reliability
Modular PC design Repairs are quick and easy. Also allows for upgrades on many models.

Eden amplifiers have many unique features that allow them to stand out far above the rest of the products offered in the market place. We use very heavy duty special output devices that are extremely tough and handle abuse well. Overall, the World Tour Amplifiers are designed to be rock solid, reliable and simple to use and repair, while delivering killer tone and years of trouble free service.



Here’s a great example: This amp came in for repair a while back with the knobs melted to the front panel and the output jacks melted down. It was the sole survivor of a home studio house fire. The guitars burned away to ash. Even after being burned in a full building fire and having additional water damage, this WT800 still works perfectly to full specifications. The owner was still gigging with the amp a couple months after the fire due to having to deal with the cost of the fire. He wanted us to spruce up the unit and get it looking good again.

Sent in for repair, this bad puppy fell off a semi and was then run over by it. Other than a few broken knobs, it worked perfectly. Ironically, the model is The Highwayman!

Now you know what we mean when we say “Built Eden Tough”. It’s not just a boastful advertising statement. For us, it’s a way of life.

You see, we know you’re obsessed with great tone. So are we. We know you don’t just want an amp that’s reliable – you need it. We need to build them that way. We’re just as obsessed with building great amps as you are with wanting one. We live, breathe, eat and sleep this stuff. Well, we do eat a lot of cheese puffs, but only because it helps us concentrate. And coffee. Got to have coffee. But you get the idea.

Just as a master craftsman needs the proper tools to do their best work, you need quality tools to give your best performance. We are confident that you’ll love the tools we’ve built for you. And we’re confident that, when you plug into an Eden rig, you’re going to hear – perhaps for the very first time – what you sound like. And that’s a beautiful thing.
